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Oct 5, 20184 min read
Gearing up for an Expedition with Minimalist Adventurer Hannah Cox
As part of committing to a life of adventure, Hannah Cox decided to travel 18,000 miles from the UK to Bhutan in what she calls her ‘Road...
Jul 19, 20183 min read
How she got out of £20,000 of debt and saved £15,000 in a year
In her early twenties, Hannah was £20,000 in debt and working in a stressful, badly paid job. Her Dad dying suddenly encouraged her to...
Jul 17, 20183 min read
Hannah Cox - minimalist & adventurer who travelled 18,000 miles overland from the UK to Bhutan
Hannah, is a 34-year-old creator, minimalist and adventurer living in Manchester, UK. Last year she got rid of everything she owned...
May 25, 20151 min read
What's the secret to wealth & happiness?
I think this is one of those questions where everyone wants to know the answer. What's the secret to wealth and happiness? Many people...
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